"I see no other alternative than to admit the informational void years of European-centered education have provoked, and try my best to be intellectually honest, in my research and field experience.”

This is a quote from Sofia's diary in her Ethiopia International Field Experience in 2018 and it is also a potential entrance into the concept of global South!

The maps most of us have access to (Africa is so much bigger than it seems!), the stories we hear in history class about Western-European kings, queens and philosophers, the way we think of "development", "wealth" and "knowledge" have been historically dictated by countries in the "Global North.”

North, not as geographical North, but "North" because they have been portrayed as a "guiding star" to systematically exploited, previously colonized, often impoverished, countries and peoples.

Cultivating an educational environment that understands the academic dominance of Global North ideals allows students, teachers, parents and schools to think of often silenced cultures and peoples, bringing their complex, multifaceted, contributions, questions and challenges to class.

From Brazil to Mexico, Ethiopia to Myanmar, Mongolia to Uzbekistan - the world we learn about in most school curriculums is limited by the traditional academic dominance of global North-made knowledge and perspectives.

All over the globe, students learn about Europeans and the United States and very little about everything and everybody else.

To decolonize learning means to bring local perspectives, explore often-silenced geographical and historical information and breakdown the multiple causes and consequences of inequality across borders.

That is why we chose to be a Global South media + education agency!

To produce and share materials and classes that bring often unexplored facets of the human experience to American classrooms.

Cheers and happy learning,

Sailboat Writing